Welcome to The Burned-In Teacher Podcast

One part burnout and all other parts action, inspiration, and support for teachers dealing with burnout. 

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burned and unbalanced Apr 25, 2022

In this episode, I talk with Kelsey Sorenson, former substitute teacher turned CEO of her own business, Wife Teacher Mommy.  Kelsey shares her inspiring story of how she was able to transform her experiences with burnout into a flourishing...


burned and over-it Apr 18, 2022

Navigating Difficult Student Behavior Using a Heart-Centered Approach with The Active Educator

Welcome to Episode 132 of the Burned-In Teacher Podcast! I'm thrilled to have you here today, especially during this challenging yet exciting time of...


In this episode, we honor Financial Literacy Month and show a little Teacher Appreciation with an interview with Kristina Ellis from Ramsey Solutions.

Kristina Ellis is a best-selling author who believes no student should be burdened by student...


Transforming the Classroom with My Disruptive Behavior Solution (Part 2)

Welcome back, listeners! I'm delighted that you're joining me today for the second part of how I'm addressing defiant, disrespectful, and distracting behaviors. The response...


Transforming the Classroom with My Disruptive Behavior Solution (Part 1)

As educators, we know all too well the challenges posed by disruptive behavior in our classrooms.  It’s a constant juggling act to maintain a positive learning...


Building Resilience in Teachers During Challenging Times

Teaching is an immensely rewarding profession, filled with moments of joy and inspiration.  However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges that can leave educators feeling...



In this episode, I share my own, personal struggle with the Winter Blues AKA Seasonal Affective Disorder. I can always tell when it's settling in and I also know what has helped me in the past two years to do more than feel like I'm just...


burned and over-it Jan 31, 2022

In this episode, I’ll be talking with my good friends Alexis Shepard and Molly Wheatley about the pessimism and hopelessness that we’ve been seeing on not only Teachergram but really ALL types of social media lately.  The three...


burned and unbalanced Jan 24, 2022

Cracking the Code for How to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Welcome to the Burned-In Teacher Podcast. It's been about a month since I last joined you, and in today's episode, we're delving into the crucial topic of work-life balance—how to...


In this episode, you get to hear my interview with Jake Miller - an 8th grade Science teacher from Ohio - share his story of burnout and how he's used it to reimagine his role as an educator to support himself AND his students. Also, Jake will...


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