Mar 04, 2023

Options for Teachers Leaving the Profession with Daphne Gomez

We’re talking about options, specifically options for teachers leaving the profession.  With the constant changes, challenges, and unrealistic expectations, it’s no wonder that teachers are leaving the profession.  Leaving the classroom isn’t an easy decision, and in some cases, the fear of the unknown keeps teachers stuck when they know that leaving the profession is their best option.  

In this episode, I’ve brought on Daphne Gomez from The Teacher Career Coach. Daphne has actually been on the podcast before (Episode 112) back in 2021, and what she does to support teachers in transitioning out of teaching and into another role is astounding! And, and as you can imagine, her business has really taken off! 

Daphne is a former teacher, but we don’t talk a ton about that in this episode (for more on her burnout story, check out episode 112).  I reached out to Daphne again because so much has changed in education since she was on the podcast and her services have grown so much, so I wanted to get her input on the trends that she is seeing now for teachers who are transitioning out of the classroom as well as get some tips on what you can do now if you’re considering not returning to the classroom next year. 

Alright, so let’s dive into this interview with Daphne Gomez! 

Amber: Hey, Daphne, it's so good to see you again. Thank you so much for coming back onto The Burned-In Teacher Podcast!

Daphne: I'm really excited to talk to you, Amber. It's always been a pleasure. So thanks so much for having me.

Amber: Of course!  So, it’s been a couple of years since we last talked, and a lot has changed for Teacher Career Coach, and a lot has changed in education in general.  Actually, the last time we spoke we were just coming out of the pandemic.  

So, can you tell the listeners a little about you? 

Daphne:  Yeah!  I'm the CEO of Teacher Career Coach. I left the classroom in 2017 after I had worked as a fifth-grade teacher for about three years. 

During my own career transition, I could not find any resources. I was googling jobs for former teachers, and there's just nothing coming up. And I also was met with a lot of hesitation from my colleagues that were trying to encourage me to stay in the classroom.  They’d tell me “You can leave, you're a good teacher” but I knew I could not be a teacher anymore. I had this realization after breaking down a lot that very last year, going to the doctor a lot for stress-related illness, and crying on my way to work most mornings.  I felt mentally unwell and not capable of staying in a teaching position for another year even if I changed districts. I just knew it was not the solution for me at that point. 

So, I ended up actually landing this really great role at a Fortune 500 company (a well-known ad tech company). And from there on, every time I was talking at national conferences or working in school districts doing free professional development on behalf of the company that I worked for, I would have teachers asking me how I did it. And so, around 2019, I decided to use that and my skills as an instructional designer (which is something that I did for another edtech company) to create the program that I wish existed back when I left in 2017.  I teamed up with human resource experts, career experts, and other former teachers to launch the first-of-its-kind transition program for teachers. And so we've just been helping teachers ever since.

I ended up ultimately leaving my full-time position in 2021 because things have just scaled so quickly and we were unable to manage both jobs at the same time without burning ourselves out, which has been a really big blessing. And I have just been doing that since 2021.

Amber: I'm so excited for you!  The last time that we talked your business was in such a different place and things were a little different in the transition process.  At that time, there were a lot of still schools that were hybrid or weren't sure if they were going to go back in person full time, and a lot of teachers weren’t sure if they were returning to the classroom that year.  

Can you help us to understand some trends that you've noticed from 2021 to now for teachers that are highly considering transitioning out of the classroom?

Daphne:   The first thing I’ll touch on is mindset, which things have been quite consistent since I started in 2019.  There is a lot of psychology that goes into how you make a career change. There are a lot of different things that are going to pop up.  You're going to feel terrified - even too terrified to take action.  You're going to probably start to have moments where you're using black-and-white thinking patterns to analyze the career that’s in front of you.   You may tell yourself that if it doesn't have everything is perfect, then you may as well not do it, or you might be looking for “red flags”. 

There's just a lot of fear of change. There's a fear of getting outside of your comfort zone. There's a fear of the economy and the instability of different jobs.  All of those are really valid. But, a lot of times, that fear is just trying to keep teachers and their comfort zone, which is unfortunate for those teachers who know deep in their hearts that they can't do this for the rest of their lives. 

And then there’s guilt.  There's a lot of guilt of leaving your colleagues, leaving the state of education, leaving your students behind.  It's very hard, especially if you have really strong bonds with the people at your school. and some teachers really struggle with that. 

There's also a feeling of grieving.  What usually happens when you change careers is you're in charge of leaving, you're the hero of your story because you're the one deciding to make the change. The feeling of grief is a feeling of loss when something that you love dearly is taken from you. What I found with a lot of teachers is that, even though they are really excited about leaving teaching, they grieve heavily.  They’re completely caught off guard when it comes to back-to-school time - that time of the year that used to stress them out the most- and they start to have FOMO.  When I’ve talked with therapists about this, what they’ve said is that this happens because these teachers have felt as though they're actually not in control of their narrative. They feel like they were pushed out of a career that they did love and that they are not the ones that are responsible for why they're walking away. It's the system, the lack of safety, and the unsustainability that has pushed them away. 

It’s important to understand that there are going to be a lot of mindset roadblocks and very big, hard feelings.  And yes, it might feel more comfortable to not put yourself in a situation where you have to feel those big, hard feelings, but these are common feelings to have when you are making a change. 

Amber: I'm really glad you mentioned this!  These roadblocks that you’ve mentioned is what I call the “lizard brain” - all of those innate features that try to keep us safe, and keep us stuck.  It’s hard to go out into the unknown, it’s not “safe” and it’s surely not comfortable.  These are things that have to be worked through whenever you make any kind of change.  

On the podcast and in my course, I talk about how sometimes change can offer you that sustainability in teaching because different leaders and even a different school can make a world of difference, but sometimes that isn’t enough, and that’s why I wanted to bring you on the podcast.  The fact that you tried to make those changes, but you still struggled with feelings of burnout shows the importance of making a decision that’s right for YOU.  That push and pull of whether or not to leave is real, so thank you so much for talking about mindset first because that will always be a challenge with making big decisions and changing your life. 

Daphne:  One thing we always talk about when it comes to making really big decisions is to instead of trying to put out a pros and cons list, put actual numbers to the pros and the cons.  For example, rate each pro/con of leaving teaching on a scale of one to five, and then add it up to see if one has a bigger weight than the other one. If it's a lot larger than you even realize, then you can start to make decisions 

It’s also important to think of yourself in the future; if you’re always going to regret not trying, and it’s something you think about year after year, then that’s a really big sign that it’s time to stop being an observer of everyone else doing it and start to take action and actually move forward. 

Amber: I want to remind the listeners that we did go deeper into these roadblocks and to some of these things that you can do to decide whether or not you want to stay or go in our previous interview (click here to listen!)

Can you tell us about some of the trends that you're seeing in companies and corporations that are hiring teachers?

Daphne: So, there are a couple of different paths that many teachers take, so I'm just going to speak in general terms about five different career types, the first of which are training and development roles. These include instructional design, training roles, or implementation roles.

One thing that I should probably explain is that you’re going to get frustrated when it comes to job titles.  In our discussion, I’m not going to list every job title you could apply for because every company makes up a job title that makes sense to them and the role that they are creating.  It’s definitely not as black and white as teaching.  When you apply for teaching jobs, you have a pretty good idea of what your job duties are going to be (even though they keep piling so much more on the teacher’s plate that goes beyond the role of a teacher).   For example, if you apply for a 4th-grade teaher position, you know what your expectations are, in contrast, “training manager” can be widely different at different companies with widely different salaries.  

Also, there are going to be roles called “implementation manager” that look exactly like training manager positions at other companies.  You’re going to limit yourself if your only type in the word “Instructional Designer” and only look for instructional design jobs; you’re going to be limiting your possibilities.  It’s important to be aware of the keywords that you need to search for instead of specific job titles.  

Understanding the differences in the title of positions is a caveat to know as I move forward to talking about learning and training types of roles. There are roles where you’re either training people internally or you're in charge of actually training clients, these could be people that purchased a program or a software tool.  There are a lot of different training roles out there, and it’s going to vary on what you want to do as far as upskilling. 

As for “upskilling”, there are going to be training positions that you’re going to go in and be 100% qualified for right now.  You just need a fresh and translated resume to show the times that you’ve trained adults and the different presentations that you’ve done.  But then there are going to be other types of training roles that will specify, for example, that you may need to know how to use an online authoring tool.  Thinking about how you can make yourself stand out by building on your skill sets will vary with the different training positions. 

There are also a lot of customer success and customer support positions that teachers are getting, but each position is going to be a bit different.  While they all may work with customers,  some could require you to answer emails and others could be in charge of training programs.  In some customer support positions, you’ll be creating help articles or guides for people.  These positions usually have a lower pay scale, so you’re going to see teachers who have been in the classroom for two to three years going to these roles.  

If you’ve been teaching for longer, you maybe be looking for something more on the higher end of customer support or customer success, which is a little different.  These are positions that may include a bit more “hand holding” of a client and helping them renew a product year after year. These roles are usually given to someone who has an instructional technology background, but you can also get to customer success positions by getting into a sales role, which is the next role I’m going to talk about. 

A lot of teachers are usually going into sales.  One thing that you’ll notice when you start to look at jobs outside of the classroom is that they maybe hiring one or two training positions, but they’re hiring 20 sales positions.  It’s a great way for you to get your foot in the door at a company and understand how a company works and get some rapport with the people who work there so you can start to work your way up into another position.  This is great for if you’re trying to get out on a quicker timeframe, but a lot of people are scared of sales because they feel like teaching and sales are not a natural fit…

Amber: Oh my gosh, I feel like it's the perfect fit! As a teacher,  you're selling learning all day!

Daphne: Yes. definitely. I feel like because we're such intrinsically motivated people, we feel like being “salesy” always means being pushy, but a lot of what sales are is educating people on what you have and trying to make inferences from their answers. It takes a lot of active listening to understand whether or not what you have is a good fit or if you’re trying to guide the conversation toward a sale.

If you are naturally competitive, for example, you can find yourself being really competitive with yourself when it comes to fitness goals or you're reading data at school, then sales might be a good fit for you. 

Also, we see people going into human resources recruiting, and I've gotten a lot of teachers who have been going into software engineering roles. It’s all over the board, there are just a ton of different directions to go, for example, nonprofits, and museums. But these are the biggest trends that I've been seeing, at least in the last year.

Amber: I love that. Thank you for laying all of those out. I think sometimes that we tell ourselves not only the story that “no one is going to hire a teacher”, but there’s also “What else could I possibly do?” The way you just laid it out makes everything seem really accessible. Obviously, you're going to have to get out of your comfort zone, and that’s where your course comes in, it shows the step-by-step process of how to go through this process.

Daphne:  I think that the most paralyzing thing coming from a role like teaching where it's supposed to be your “forever career” is that it puts a lot of pressure on you to try and pick the next “perfect” thing. But that is not a realistic expectation. What you need to do is write down a list of the things you dislike because even if it might seem like a natural fit, you’re not going to like it if includes an element that you really dislike, such as sitting at a computer all day. 

Writing down a list of things that you do/don’t like is a great place to start, but sometimes you don’t know until you get your hands dirty.  It’s okay to just pick a role, start getting your hands dirty, and move on to the next one. What people do, especially when it’s late in the game (March, April, May) is try to learn everything about a specific role and worry “What if I choose the wrong path? What if it’s not the right job?” In those moments, you have to focus on what you can learn right now, in a reasonable amount of time.  If you start to move toward something and it feels like a really bad fit, then scratch that off your list.  Try and move forward.  It’s far easier to pivot once you are outside and into that corporate environment because you can sit at different departments and see what other people do and have a clearer understanding of roles. And you'll have a new network of people willing to vouch for you in a corporate setting, which is what you do not have right now.

Amber: Exactly.  This is a perfect lead to my next question…

If you’re thinking about leaving teaching, right now (March) is really crunch time. If there is a teacher who is saying “I'm done, I really want to leave and see what's out there”, what would you say - at this time of year - would be their next best steps?

Daphne: Try and explore as quickly as possible, because it’s pretty late in the game. Explore a couple of career paths and see which one's the best fit for you. 

Also, sorry, if I'm stressing you out with “Now is late in the game”. You're not too late. You're doing just great. 

Amber: I think late in the game is better than never. Right now in March/April is better than June/July, because then you start to put people into really hard positions, including yourself. So now it's better than never.

Daphne:  One thing you should think about is the work experience you have outside of teaching.  This is something that, when we're helping people write their resumes and people are trying to get out in a pinch,  we're like: “Okay, we're looking at your resume right here, and it's 10 years of teaching experience, and we don't really know what came before it. Do you have any experience outside of teaching?” Some will be like: “Oh, well, I worked at a hotel before at the front desk”. “Okay, well, you have experience in the hospitality industry. Would you want to look into training positions in the hospitality industry?” At this point, we can re-write this person’s resume showing both of these work experiences.  

A lot of times, these past work experiences are omitted because they were a while ago, but companies what to know what types of experience you have. Now, there are caveats to the resume writing experience.  Information that you should share is going to differ depending on what types of careers you're going into. If you're applying for a specific position, and 15 years ago you did something and it has nothing to do with the position you’re applying for, then you don't really need to add it to your resume.  It's really just streamlining and making sure that they know that you had experience if you did, if you didn't, that's absolutely fine. 

Also, when I applied for all of my jobs - which I did before working with experts on resume writing - I didn’t write any of my past experience (I was a bartender before I was a teacher) and I still used my teaching experience to land jobs at Fortune 500 companies. So, you are going to do just great, but it’s a really good idea to look back and see what you have all done also, especially if that’s something you can leverage. 

Another thing you’re going to what to do is to get on LinkedIn and add as many people that you know from your professional life. One mistake that I see a lot of people making is that they just add as many teachers in transition as they can find to their LinkedIn profile, but this actually makes it hard for them to find the information they are looking for.  Doing this can cause overwhelm and distraction from getting connected with a bunch of strangers.  That’s not really how LinkedIn is supposed to work.  Say you apply for a job, you can use LinkedIn to say “Oh, I know so-and-so who works at that company”. So step number 2 is adding to LinkedIn.  

But you're going to want to translate your resume - even if a company says “hiring transitioning teachers” -  you cannot just apply as a teacher. You have to translate it well. You have to make sure that you are really translating it to the specific job and using corporate language so that they understand how you are uniquely qualified for that job. There are so many people who are using the exact same teacher resume and, having experience working with hiring managers, I've heard statistics that over 70% of the people who are applying for the jobs are not taking the time to demonstrate that they understand what the job even does. And as a career pivoter, that is one of the most important steps.

Amber: Yeah, do your research and know the language. I love that you're really focusing on that resume because that ties in nicely with determining what sounds fun to you and/or what you’re interested in. As you said before,  if you don't like sitting in front of your computer all day then curriculum writing is not your thing. Know what sounds fun-ish because work is work, right?

Daphne: Yeah. I think that that's one of the hardest things work around is the idea of the “dream job”.  This is the type of conversation I've had with a lot of teachers.  They’ll tell me: “ Well, I'm looking for something that’s a full-time position and I want it to be 100% remote, and I want it to be at a company where I'm doing a lot of social and emotional learning training, but I want it to be focused on adults, and I also want it to involve my passion for hiking and the outdoors.” Unfortunately, when you do really limit yourself to something like that - I will never be the person to tell you that something is impossible because anything is possible - but you better be really clear that that is your 100% firm, nonnegotiable because the more limiting you get, the harder it's going to be to find your “unicorn job”.

But, you can look at all the companies that do outdoor hiking, and travel things (if that's something you're passionate about) and maybe go into a sales position, customer support, position, or a training position and maybe look into other types of things that they do. And if you start to look at that company, and realize that that's not a good fit for you, but you really liked project management, you can get a project management job at a tech company, and then your life can be hiking and traveling outside of work. 

I think that teaching becomes our identity so much that it's hard for us to realize that we can have a job that has just a job that's doing well and paying our bills. It’s okay that your job might sound boring on paper because we're people outside of it. And that's what's most important.

Amber: Oh my gosh, I love that so much! My husband - who is a principal in the same district that I work in - he and I talk about this all the time. No matter what job we have, if we were to leave teaching and get another job, there are going to be things about that job that we don't enjoy, or that we don't like, or that are not fun. And what we continually come back to teaching and that it really is the best career for us because we think about all the things that it offers us outside of the job.  For example, the weeks that we do get off that we can use to travel, which we love, and to do all the other things that we value that have nothing to do with teaching, but that teaching offers us. And if that's not enough for you and your career in teaching, that's okay. But for us, it really does fit our core values and our lifestyle, etc. And I think that that's a really good point that you make that if you're looking at this job, you know, whether it be customer support, project management, or whatever it is, you can find things about it that you like you don't like, but think instead about what it offers you. And like you've said before, write a pros and cons list, the things you like versus those you don't like. All of that is so helpful!

And thank you for focusing on the resume. I think that sometimes we devalue all of the amazing skills that we have, as teachers, that are so transferable to other roles and other companies outside of teaching. But gosh, we have so many amazing abilities, because we have been teachers.

Daphne: Yes!  I saw a post about this the other day and I feel like I have to acknowledge it right now. Unfortunately, there are some bad actors in the coaching teachers to transition space that is going to do whatever they can to make a sale, and they're going to say things that sound good on paper but if they don't have hiring experience and if they don't have recruiting experience, they may say things that can really hurt you. When it comes to your transferable skills, there are so many skills that right now you have as a teacher, whether it's the way that you keep things in compliance with state laws for IEPs or if it's the time that you trained 10 teachers on how to use Google but you're like scared to pretend that you were a trainer because you didn't formally get paid for it or whatever it is, right there are so many times you are downplaying something that you absolutely can put on your resume. 

But then there are also times when you absolutely cannot lie. Why I brought up the bad actors is there was someone who was like, “Put down that you've worked in these programs. And then once you get the interview, you can learn it.” This is going to bite you in the butt if you are dishonest, and it's going to bite all teachers in the butt if there's a lot of dishonesty when it comes to this space. What you can translate are things that you've done, and don't downplay that. Do not pretend you've worked in industries that you’ve never worked in.

I've also heard of someone trying to tell teachers to pretend that their school district is a corporation - absolutely not! They're going to understand that you're a teacher, and you don't want to hide that.  You want to confidently show them how your skills translate and don't downplay it. But you cannot pretend that you worked in apps that you haven't worked in, but at the same time, you don't have to be an expert. There are project management apps like Trello and Asana that will legit take you 15 to 30 minutes to know it well enough for you to put it on your resume. But there are things like Salesforce or Articulate Storyline, that if you said that you know it, and you go into an interview, and you don't know it at all, you're not going to get any other job at that company because you fibbed. It's a really bad look, and it sets you up to fail in the end because they don't know how to scaffold and help you during the onboarding process and they're going to give you a role that you're not ready for.

If you say: “I've done this thing, I've done it well and this is how I've done it” or “This is how quickly I learned things because I've picked up all of this in the last three months doing my own homework and I've learned all of these programs, because I did 20 hours of work doing the programs on my own time” and you're completely transparent, and you're really confident with it, that is what's going to set you up for success for the long term. Feeling uncomfortable about the job that you're going into is normal. Lying is absolutely not.

Amber: Lying in any situation is never the best idea. 

Daphne, are there any other resources you offer that will help teachers make this transition as smooth as possible for them? 

Daphne: One of the easiest ways for you to get weekly motivation, coaching, and just understand the basics of a transition from teaching is our Teacher Career Coach Podcast. At this point, as we're recording, we have over 100 episodes and it is one of the best resources -  it’s like a little coach in your pocket to help you stay motivated. 

Also, there are a variety of different articles on The Teacher Career Coach website, we've been putting out articles since 2019, from what types of jobs hire former teachers to what types of jobs hire former school counselors, or what about early education teachers and what about what happens to parents when they're in a new environment? We've created a ton of different resources using the 1000s of teachers that we've helped in the years to create and shape and educate people so that they can make the best-informed decision for themselves.

Amber: Awesome. So let's say a teacher starts listening to the podcast and they want to know more about the course.  What will it help them achieve? 

Daphne: So the first module of the course really walks them through expectations and productivity, and sets them up for success.  What we have seen with so many teachers is that they are things doing that are probably not as efficient as other things they could be doing from a career change perspective, especially on a limited timeframe. We want to make sure that you know these are things that are good, these are things that are very less common for actual success. As an example, there's something called “Social Saturday” on LinkedIn and it's everybody following strangers.  This might take you 30 or 45 minutes to do on your Saturday, and it feels like you’re doing something towards your job hunt because you’re connecting with all these people. but what you probably should be doing during those 30 or 45 minutes is taking more action of rewriting your resume, or researching a role, and strategically asking people for support that have been in that role for a while. 

In the first module, we discuss what to expect, timeline-wise, what you should be doing, and how much you should be doing. Then in the second module, we start doing a deep dive into reading job descriptions so you understand what you're looking for in different job descriptions.  If you've been teaching for one to five years, or five to 10 years, or over 10 years, those are going to be different types of jobs that you're probably pinpointing just depending on your salary needs. We also do some work on identifying your salary needs, making sure that you have crunched all those numbers and you understand the difference between like salary versus hourly. 

But the meat of what we do is in writing resumes and understanding the best ways to answer interview questions.  We've got a ton of companies that we've researched, and we have their careers pages and we have a list of over 600 former teacher job titles and their salaries if you just wanted to really quickly scan it to see any trends of what's meeting your salary requirement. 

And when it comes to resume writing, that's really what's going to save you the most time in the classroom to corporate translation.  We gathered our information from professional resume writers with experience in career coaching services or in human resources and recruiting. That's what you're really looking for, is someone who's done that as a profession and that's coming from the people who are working with hiring managers from different types of corporations.  You need to set yourself up for success so that you can make this transition in the shortest amount of time possible.

Something that I want to make sure I address on this is you want to do this smart. I don't want anyone to ever trick you into saying that this is a guarantee for you. You want to have a safety net, you want to have a plan B, because unfortunately, every year, there are going to be teachers who do have to return to the classroom the next year, or find a different job or what's called a stepping stone job, a job that's underneath their salary requirements and go in. There are so many success stories, but I just don't want you to have an unrealistic expectation of guaranteed success, even if you do everything right. It's tricky because we're stuck on this very limited timeframe, and the average time that it takes for people to transition is between three to six months. The average time it takes for a regular person that has experience in an industry is about three months. So this late in the game, I just want you to know that but that does not mean it's not worth moving forward because you don't know if you're going to be successful this round. But you absolutely will not be if you don't try. One thing that I like to ask is, “Is this a goal worth trying for 12 months if it's going to be the rest of your life?”

Amber: I’m so glad you said that, because here's the thing, and I tell this to teachers all the time, especially in the membership, is there's no harm and just exploring what this feels like. If you join the course you start listening to the podcast, if you are one of those people that are on the fence, there is no harm in just exploring how it feels to even think about that transition. Or if you invest in the course you get forever access to it, so there's no harm in going through the lessons and just seeing how it feels. And again, even small progress is progress forward. And maybe what that will help you to realize is that maybe leaving teaching is not for you now. Or perhaps now that you know what it really feels like, you’re ready to make that transition and you now have the tools to sink your teeth into these job descriptions, your resume,  exploring all of these different opportunities, and you are setting your future self up for success.

Daphne: What I see happen too often is people from September to November say, “Game on! I'm going to do this” and then they put it off until March or April, and what really honestly ends up happening with them is once they really do go all in March until June, many of them do find jobs, and the ones that do not find jobs now have all of this new information for the next round.  Maybe they've been on interviews, or maybe they've gone through a couple of reiterations of their resume. They come back stronger the very next year than anyone who just started that year, they always end up coming back with just a lot more insight and clarity. 

But I do think that some people struggle with analysis paralysis, they don't want to move forward, because it's not a guaranteed success, right? And unfortunately, it absolutely is not going to fall into your lap if you're just passively sending out resumes that you haven't really strongly translated or if you in half the effort or compared to months' worth of effort, you're going to get those types of results. Then, that's also going to feed your confirmation bias that it's impossible for you. If you know that this is worth fighting for, then it's worth going all in on because there is no way that you are going to fail if you keep trying and moving forward.  Success is achievable and attainable, but it's not going to be easy, and it's unfortunately not going to be on an exact timeline. That's why it's important to be very smart.  I understand the limitations that teachers have with the timeline, and I want everyone to have realistic expectations, but also not let that confirm to them that it's impossible and just give up all together. 

Amber: You are speaking my language. And this is the perfect way to end this interview. Daphne, thank you so much for your time, your expertise, and your grace. I just really appreciate you.

Daphne: Thanks so much for having me. Amber. It's always good to hear from you. And just congrats on everything and your successful school year.

Amber: Thank you. I'm loving it and congrats on your successful career at The Teacher Career Coach.  You are helping so many teachers from around the world to make that much-needed transition. So thank you so much for what you do.



  1. Create a Pros and Cons to weigh the pros and cons of transitioning to a new career or staying in the classroom. Rate each on a scale of 1 to 5 to give a numeric value to each. 
  2. Do your research! Find someone in the career you’re considering or do research to find out if it’s a good fit for you. 
  3. Revise your resume.  Focus on transferable skills and experiences that would be of value to the position you are applying for. 



Episode 112: How To Transition Out of Teaching with Daphne Williams

Check out Daphne’s Course: The Teacher Career Coach Course

Find out what career outside of the classroom is right for you. CLICK HERE to take Daphne’s quiz




Podcast: The Teacher Career Coach 

Instagram: @theteachercareercoach

Twitter: @theteachercareercoach



Daphne Gomez is a former teacher who left teaching to pursue other roles by leveraging her experience in education. Daphne now helps other teachers explore their other options outside of the classroom with her podcast The Teacher Career Coach Podcast.




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